
Club Logo

Welcome to the official KickboxingLK logo page.  Club members are encouraged to use this logo but only by following our guidelines below.

  •  Don’t mess about with our logo - KickboxingLK's logo should not be tampered with or defaced in any way.            
  • Do not hang it upside down.
  • Only use the logo in it's entire format.  
  • As a club member you have earned the right's to use this logo and promote KickboxingLK so use it carefully and always with pride! 
Add it to your Facebook profile photo:

1 - Right click the logo below and save to your desktop.
2 - Open your Facebook status photo in microsoft paint (or photo editing software package).
3 - Insert the KickboxingLK logo in bottom left of your photo.
4 - Log into facebook and update your status photo using your new photograph.
